《ISO/SAE 21434: 2021 Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering 道路车辆网络安全工程》标准解读之(7)

5 Organizational cybersecurity management 组织网络安全管理/5.4 Requirements and recommendations 要求和建议/5.4.1 Cybersecurity governance 网络安全治理

5.4.1 Cybersecurity governance 网络安全治理

[RQ-05-01] The organization shall define a cybersecurity policy that includes:

a) acknowledgement of road vehicle cybersecurity risks; and

b) the executive management’s commitment to manage the corresponding cybersecurity risks.

NOTE 1 The cybersecurity policy can include links to the organization’s objectives and other policies.

NOTE 2 The cybersecurity policy can include a statement regarding the risk treatment of generic threat scenarios with respect to the organization’s products or services portfolio, considering the context, either external or internal.

[RQ-05-02] The organization shall establish and maintain rules and processes to:

a) enable the implementation of the requirements of this document; and

b) support the execution of the corresponding activities.

EXAMPLE 1 Process definitions, technical rules, guidelines, methods and templates.

NOTE 3 Cybersecurity risk management can include effort-benefit considerations of activities.

NOTE 4 Rules and processes cover concept, product development, production, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning, including TARA methods, information sharing, cybersecurity monitoring, cybersecurity incident response, and triggers.
注4:规则和过程涵盖概念、产品开发、生产、运营、维护以及退役阶段,包括威胁分析和风险评价(TARA )方法、信息共享、网络安全监控、网络安全事件响应以及触发准则。

NOTE 5 Rules and processes regarding vulnerability disclosure, for example as part of information sharing, can be specified in accordance with ISO 29147 .
注5:与漏洞披露相关的规则和流程,例如,其可以作为信息共享的一部分,并可以依照ISO 29147做出明确要求。

NOTE 6 Figure 4 outlines the relationship between an overarching cybersecurity policy (see [RQ-05-01]), and organization-specific cybersecurity rules and processes (see [RQ-05-02]), responsibilities (see [RQ-05-03]) and resources (see [RQ-05-04]).
注6:图4显示了中心的网络安全方针(见 [RQ-05-01])、特定组织的网络安全规则和流程(见[RQ-05-02])、职责(见 [RQ-05-03])和资源(见 [RQ-05-04])之间的关系。
Figure 4 — Cybersecurity governance/图4 – 网络安全治理
[RQ-05-03] The organization shall assign and communicate the responsibilities and corresponding organizational authority to achieve and maintain cybersecurity.
[RQ-05-03] 组织应划分和沟通职责以及相应的组织权限,以达成和保持网络安全。

NOTE 7 This relates to organizational as well as to project-dependent activities.

[RQ-05-04] The organization shall provide the resources to address cybersecurity.

NOTE 8 Resources include the persons responsible for cybersecurity risk management, development, and incident management.

EXAMPLE 2 Skilled personnel and suitable tools to perform cybersecurity activities.

[RQ-05-05] The organization shall identify disciplines related to, or interacting with, cybersecurity and establish and maintain communication channels between those disciplines in order to:

a) determine if and how cybersecurity will be integrated into existing processes; and

b) coordinate the exchange of relevant information.

NOTE 9 Coordination can include sharing of processes and using strategies and tools between disciplines.

NOTE 10 Disciplines include information technology security, functional safety, and privacy.

EXAMPLE 3 Interdisciplinary exchange of:

— threat scenarios and hazard (cf. ISO 26262-1:2018 , 3.75) information;
— 威胁场景和危害(cf. ISO 26262-1:2018 , 3.75)信息;

— cybersecurity goals and safety goals (cf. ISO 26262-1:2018 [1], 3.139); and/or
— 网络安全目标和安全目标(cf. ISO 26262-1:2018 , 3.139);和/或

— cybersecurity requirements conflicting or competing with functional safety requirements (cf. ISO 26262-1:2018 , 3.69).
— 网络安全要求与功能安全要求(cf. ISO 26262-1:2018 , 3.69)冲突或竞争。


  1. 条款5.4是“5 Organizational cybersecurity management 组织网络安全管理”的核心内容,包括网络安全治理(见5.4.1)、网络安全文化(见5.4.2)、信息共享(见5.4.3)、管理体系(见5.4.4)、工具管理(见5.4.5)、信息安全管理(见5.4.6)以及组织的网络安全审计(见5.4.7)七个模块的网络安全活动(要求和建议);
  2. 条款“5.4.1 Cybersecurity governance 网络安全治理”的网络安全活动有5个要求(RQ):[RQ-05-01]、[RQ-05-02]、[RQ-05-03]、[RQ-05-04]和[RQ-05-05]。条款5.4.1没有建议(RC);
  3. [RQ-05-01]是针对网络安全方针的要求,这个其实可以参照ISO/IEC 27001其中5.2内容来理解,相关要求也基本一致,只是侧重点有所不同,一个侧重于网络安全,一个侧重于信息安全;
  4. 组织需要确定组织的网络安全方针,并形成书面文件,包含评审和批准记录;
  5. 网络安全方针需要涵盖道路车辆网络安全风险的认知以及最高管理者管理这些风险的承诺;
  6. [RQ-05-02]是关于组织网络安全规则和流程的要求,组织必须依据本文件的要求建立和保持必要的网络安全规则和流程,如流程和流程清单、网络安全技术规则、操作指南、管理办法等;
  7. [RQ-05-03]是关于网络安全职责和权限分配和沟通的要求,理解和实施本要求可以参照ISO/IEC 27001中的5.3;
  8. [RQ-05-04]是关于资源的要求,组织应确保管理网络安全风险、实施网络安全活动等需要的专业人员、工具(包含硬件和软件)以及其他资源;
  9. [RQ-05-05]是有关与网络安全有关其他学科要求。无论信息安全,还是网络安全,都不仅仅关注信息安全、网络安全自身就够了,或者像现在大多数企业在做信息安全(网络安全)的时候,往往都只局限在IT这块上,最终的结果是信息安全(网络安全)走不出IT;
  10. 网络安全(信息安全)与其他学科之间会有千丝万缕的联系,在实施网络安全(信息安全)时候,就必须认识到、识别出网络安全(信息安全)与其他学科之间的联系,以及建立和保持在实施相关活动时的必要的沟通渠道;
  11. 掌握网络安全与其他学科之间的联系后,应尽可能将网络安全流程整合到其他学科的流程中去;
  12. 网路安全与其他学科联系、整合和交流,可以参考“注9”“注10”和“范例3”。


  1. [RQ-05-01]组织书面的网络安全方针,及其评审和批准记录;
  2. [RQ-05-02]网络安全规则和流程,及其清单;
  3. [RQ-05-03]网络安全组织,职责说明,授权记录等;
  4. [RQ-05-04]网络安全岗位清单、网络安全工具清单。


  1. [RQ-05-01]查看组织书面的网络安全方针,以及评审和批准记录;
  2. [RQ-05-01]网络安全方针是否涵盖道路车辆网络安全风险的认知以及最高管理者管理内容;
  3. [RQ-05-02]网络安全规则和流程,及其清单;
  4. [RQ-05-03]网络安全组织,职责说明,授权记录等;
  5. [RQ-05-04]网络安全岗位清单、网络安全工具清单;
  6. [RQ-05-05]是否有关注网络安全与其他学科(质量管理、产品研发等)之间联系,相关流程是否进行合理的整合,跨领域之间是如何沟通的。