8 Operation of the service management system 服务管理体系的运行/8.6 Resolution and fulfilment 解决和实现/8.6.1 Incident management 事件管理

Incidents shall be:

a) recorded and classified;
a) 被记录和被分级;

b) prioritized taking into consideration impact and urgency;
b) 按优先次序被处理,考虑影响和紧急性;

c) escalated if needed;
c) 被升级处理,如果有需要;

d) resolved;
d) 被解决;

e) closed.
e) 被关闭。

Records of incidents shall be updated with actions taken.

The organization shall determine criteria to identify a major incident. Major incidents shall be classified and managed according to a documented procedure. Top management shall be kept informed of major incidents. The organization shall assign responsibility for managing each major incident. After the incident has been resolved, the major incident shall be reported and reviewed to identify opportunities for improvement.



